This page is dedicated to our supporters on Patreon, who have elected for their names to be immortalized on the Bad Game Hall of Fame website. To these individuals, we give our heartfelt thanks; for supporting this website, and for supporting the study of “bad” video games.

Ant Cooke (@SarahSSowertty)

BillyMaysRIP (@billymaysr1p)

Bobinator (@RobertNaytor)

ChorpSaway (@ChorpSaway)

Cosmic Lass (@CosmicLass)


Damien Hannigan (@iamhurtin)

James (@discord_inc)

Dustin Cooper (@GenioAugusti)

Erica Stein


GameQuoter Shanté (@RealGameQuoter)

Josh Williams (@KazuCrash_)

Mark Sherry (@alfedenzo)

Monty Pla (@Monty_Pla)

Ryan Krause

Steven Hopkins (@ContinuousNoise)

Stuart Ashens (@ashens)

Towerwatch (@Towerwatch)