The Bad Game Hall of Fame is dedicated to giving bad games the due process they deserve. Through examining their history, reviewing their contents, and measuring their impacts on the industry, we hope to bring about a better understanding of these oft-dismissed releases.
Along the way, we'd like to give readers a better understanding of how the games industry operates, and the pressure put on game developers to deliver these products in short order.
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Category Archives: Game Reviews
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (
“Swept With the Boom, Don’t Forget to Assume, Time Catches up With Some 3DO DOOM.”
DOOM‘s foray onto the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer doomed from the word go, thanks to its being handled by the industry’s most clueless publisher. Given just ten weeks’ time to develop it, a lone hero would thwart Hell itself to see the game through.
Ganso Saiyūki: Super Monkey Daibōken
“Roulette Blast a Roddin’, Reptile Rhythm Voodoo, Journey to the West and…?”
The quest to adapt Journey to the West to the Family Computer was fraught with its own set of hardships, as a first-time publisher and recently-pivoted developer embarked on their very own pilgrimage of game production. Did they achieve enlightenment, or fall into digitized despair?