The Bad Game Hall of Fame is dedicated to giving bad games the due process they deserve. Through examining their history, reviewing their contents, and measuring their impacts on the industry, we hope to bring about a better understanding of these oft-dismissed releases.
Along the way, we'd like to give readers a better understanding of how the games industry operates, and the pressure put on game developers to deliver these products in short order.
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Category Archives: Game Reviews
Popeye (2021)
“You’d Better Check Mr. Popeye, Is Your Switch Running Low?”
After a thirteen year hiatus from video games, Popeye the Sailor Man staged his triumphant return to the format… by way of a studio known primarily for pub quiz machines and shovelware software. We break down all the details of this alleged asset flip.
“Live Those Dreams, Scheme Those Schemes. Got to Hit Me With Your Mazer Beams.”
American Laser Games built an arcade empire on the top of LaserDisc technology. But when the market collapsed, they staged a last-minute pivot to more traditional fare. Could they survive the transition from the Old West into an alien future?
Sword of Sodan
The Ring: Terror’s Realm
Lula 3D
“It’s a Mixed Up, Muddled Up, Shook Up World. Except for Lula. Lu-lu-lu-lu, Lula.”
The Queen of adult games is dead. Long live Lula, and glory to her all-too-brief eight year reign. We examine the circumstances that lead to her first 3D title also serving as her last, as well as the histories of her franchise and her original creator. All in explicit detail, of course.